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Healthy Sex Is Important
It’s an accepted scientific truth that having a healthy sex life is good for your mind and body.
There are literally dozens of peer-reviewed scientific publications linking healthy sex lives with everything from longer lives to reduced risks of cancer and heart disease.
Here are 10 Reasons why you should be having more sex, and the scientific evidence to back it up!
What Is The O-Shot™?
The O-Shot™ is a specific, trademark-protected, nonsurgical procedure that uses the growth factors each woman has in her own body to stimulate vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation. The results to date indicate that almost all women who choose to have the O-Shot™ procedure report an increase in their sexual response, and for many the increase is dramatic.
The O-Shot™ is a painless application of all-natural platelets, which are full of rejuvenating agents. Because the platelets come from you, there’s no chance of infection or any kind of adverse reaction. The O-Shot™ is safe and administered by trained doctors.
Learn More
The O-Shot™ is currently in clinical trials and LJCSH is enrolling patients in this study. For more information, call our office at 858.210.2874.
Contact Us
Scheduling a consultation is easy.
Simply call us at 858.210.2874 or email your questions or concerns to info@lajollasexualhealth.com.
Our doctors adhere to the strictest of medical guidelines; any and all treatments and procedures are heavily researched and scientifically proven to be effective.
The Doctors
If you feel you there’s room for improvement in your sexual relationships, then it’s important you see a specialist. A general practitioner is great, but you wouldn’t take your Ferrari Testarossa to a Quickie Lube, would you?
You need to see a doctor who specializes in sexual medicine. Our doctors have over 50 years of combined medical expertise dealing with sex and reproduction, and are among the most noted reproductive endocrinologists in the country.
Benito Villanueva, M.D. has been practicing medicine since 1974 and was board certified in Obstetrics/Gynecology in 1975. Dr. Villanueva received his medical degree from the Universidad of Buenos Aires in 1966. He served his internship specializing in Rotating at Prince George’s County Hospital and served his residency specializing in OB/GYN at Georgetown University Hospital. He completed a Post Doctoral Fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of Washington, Seattle in 1974. With more than 30 years in the infertility field, Dr. Villanueva’s impressive track record has earned him the respect of his fellow reproductive endocrinologists, and the admiration of his patients. Dr. Villanueva spends time on both sides of the U.S. & Mexican border serving patients at state-of-the-art healthcare clinics; and many of his patients fly in from South America and Europe, because of his expertise and sterling reputation.
Dr. Villanueva is also a noted fertility specialist, offering a variety of medical treatments at La Jolla Wellness Institute, where he is the Medical Director and founder. To learn more, visit their website at http://www.lajollawellnessinstitute.com.
Dr. Samuel H. Wood, M.D., Ph.D., is a world-renowned fertility specialist and one of only a few board-certified Reproductive Endocrinologists. Dr. Wood was named by San Diego Magazine as one of its “50 People to Watch” and is the only physician in San Diego to be a listee in three Marquis’ publications: “Who’s Who In America,” “Who’s Who in the World,” & “Who’s Who in Science & Technology.”
His expertise on sexual health and fertility has been featured in national news broadcasts like “NBC Nightly News,” “The Today Show,” “ABC’s World News Tonight,” PBS’ “Frontline” and many others.
Dr. Wood has been specializing in the role a healthy sex life plays in the overall physical and mental health of his patients for more than 20 years.
Dr. Wood is also the Scientific Director of the Reproductive Sciences Center in La Jolla, a world-renowned fertility practice. To learn more visit their website at http://www.fertile.com. |
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